26th September 2024

Habtoor Palace Dubai

Nomination deadline: 1st September 2024


Leaders in Web3 Conference & Awards 2024

Leaders in Web3 Conference & Awards 2024 is an exclusive event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the most innovative and impactful companies in the Web3 space. Hosted by Entrepreneur Media, this event will gather industry pioneers, technology enthusiasts, and thought leaders to explore the future of decentralized technologies.

Entrepreneur Media is thrilled to announce the inaugural "Leaders in Web3" an evening dedicated to honoring the trailblazers who are redefining the boundaries of technology through blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the Web3 space. This prestigious awards ceremony will spotlight the achievements of individuals and companies that have made significant contributions to the Web3 space, setting new standards in innovation, community building, and industry impact.

Award categories

Entrepreneur of the year

This award category celebrates an individual who exemplifies visionary leadership and innovation in the Web3 space. This distinguished award recognizes an entrepreneur who has successfully transformed ambitious ideas into impactful projects, driving significant advancements in decentralized technologies. Their unwavering commitment to excellence, groundbreaking contributions to the Web3 ecosystem, and ability to inspire and empower their teams have positioned them as a true trailblazer. The recipient of this award embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship, demonstrating exceptional skill in navigating the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape.

Startup of the year

This award category honors a groundbreaking young company that has demonstrated remarkable innovation and impact within the Web3 space. This award recognizes a startup that has rapidly gained momentum, developing transformative decentralized technologies or solutions that are redefining the blockchain landscape. The recipient exemplifies agility, creativity, and a visionary approach to solving complex challenges, whether through pioneering smart contracts, decentralized finance, NFTs, or other Web3 innovations. With a strong community focus and a mission-driven ethos, the "Startup of the Year" stands out as a leader, setting new standards for excellence in the emerging world of Web3 entrepreneurship.

Web3 company of the year

This award category celebrates an outstanding organization that has made unparalleled strides in advancing Web3 technologies. This prestigious award recognizes a company that has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation, delivering groundbreaking decentralized solutions that reshape how we think about blockchain, smart contracts, DeFi, and NFTs. With a relentless commitment to excellence, community engagement, and user empowerment, this company has set a gold standard in the Web3 space, demonstrating a clear vision for the future and leading the charge in building a more decentralized and inclusive digital economy. The "Web3 Company of the Year" stands as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the limitless possibilities of Web3 and the profound impact of visionary leadership and technological prowess.

Most innovative Web3 company

This award category honors a visionary organization that is redefining the boundaries of what's possible in the Web3 space. This prestigious award recognizes a company that has demonstrated unparalleled creativity and technological prowess, delivering groundbreaking solutions that challenge traditional norms and pave the way for a more decentralized and inclusive digital future. Whether through pioneering advancements in decentralized finance, NFTs, blockchain protocols, or smart contracts, this company stands out for its ability to transform ambitious ideas into impactful realities. By continuously pushing the envelope and inspiring the global Web3 community, the "Most Innovative Web3 Company" embodies the true spirit of innovation, serving as a beacon of excellence and a catalyst for the next wave of technological evolution.

Web3 leader of the year

This award category recognizes an exceptional individual whose visionary leadership has made a transformative impact on the Web3 ecosystem. This distinguished award honors a trailblazer who has demonstrated extraordinary dedication to advancing decentralized technologies, pioneering new standards in blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, or other Web3 innovations. Through their strategic foresight, unwavering commitment to excellence, and ability to inspire and empower others, this leader has navigated the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape with remarkable skill. The "Web3 Leader of the Year" embodies the spirit of innovation, collaboration, and resilience, setting a benchmark for excellence and driving meaningful change in building a more decentralized and inclusive digital economy.

Disruptor of the year

This award category recognizes a trailblazing company or individual that has shattered conventions and redefined the rules of the Web3 ecosystem. This prestigious award honors a visionary entity that has introduced game-changing innovations, challenging traditional models and reshaping the decentralized landscape through pioneering blockchain, DeFi, NFT, or DAO solutions. By fearlessly embracing experimentation and bold thinking, the "Disruptor of the Year" has unlocked new possibilities and inspired a wave of transformation across the industry. Their relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with a deep commitment to user empowerment and inclusivity, has positioned them as a formidable force driving the next chapter of Web3 evolution.

Best blockchain solution

This award category recognizes an outstanding project that has set a new standard for excellence in the blockchain industry. This award celebrates a solution that exemplifies technical innovation, efficiency, and impact, solving critical challenges or unlocking new opportunities in the decentralized ecosystem. Whether through advancements in blockchain scalability, security, interoperability, or usability, the "Best Blockchain Solution" has distinguished itself by delivering exceptional value to its users and stakeholders. This solution not only demonstrates groundbreaking technical prowess but also embodies a forward-thinking vision that is shaping the future of Web3, making it a beacon of excellence and a catalyst for the continued growth and evolution of the blockchain landscape

Best AI Platform

This award category celebrates an innovative platform that seamlessly integrates artificial intelligence into the Web3 ecosystem, delivering unparalleled value and impact. This prestigious award recognizes a platform that has harnessed the power of AI to revolutionize decentralized applications, enabling smarter decision-making, enhanced security, and personalized user experiences. Whether through pioneering advancements in machine learning, data analytics, or predictive modeling, the "Best AI Platform" exemplifies technical excellence and visionary leadership, empowering developers and users alike to unlock the full potential of AI in a decentralized world. By pushing the boundaries of what's possible, this platform is setting new standards in innovation and shaping the future of Web3 with intelligence and precision.

Marketplace of the year

This award category celebrates a pioneering platform that has redefined how digital assets are traded and valued in the decentralized world. This prestigious award recognizes a marketplace that has set new standards for innovation, user experience, and security in the Web3 space, empowering creators, collectors, and investors alike. Whether specializing in NFTs, DeFi assets, or other digital commodities, the "Marketplace of the Year" stands out for its inclusive community, seamless transactions, and unique features that foster creativity and financial growth. By championing transparency, accessibility, and decentralization, this marketplace has become a beacon of excellence, leading the way in shaping the future of digital commerce in Web3.

Best Web3 infrastructure

This award category recognizes a standout project or company that has laid the foundation for a robust and scalable decentralized ecosystem. This prestigious award honors an organization that has developed groundbreaking infrastructure solutions, enabling seamless interactions, interoperability, and scalability across the Web3 landscape. Whether through pioneering blockchain protocols, decentralized storage networks, or interoperability layers, the recipient of “Best Web3 Infrastructure” has demonstrated technical excellence and a visionary approach to solving complex challenges. Their relentless commitment to security, efficiency, and decentralization empowers developers and users alike, fostering a more resilient and inclusive digital economy. By setting new standards for performance and reliability, this infrastructure leader is paving the way for the continued growth and evolution of the Web3 ecosystem.

Best Web3 enterprise solution

This award category recognizes the innovative platforms and solutions that are reshaping the way businesses operate in the decentralized era. This award celebrates the pioneering efforts of companies that have leveraged blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other Web3 technologies to revolutionize enterprise processes, enhance transparency, and foster trust within their ecosystems. The winner of this prestigious award embodies the spirit of innovation and exemplifies excellence in providing scalable, secure, and efficient solutions tailored to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises in the Web3 era.

Pioneer in Web3 gaming

In the rapidly expanding realm of Web3, gaming stands as a frontier where innovation intersects with entertainment, and the 'Pioneer in Web3 Gaming' award celebrates those trailblazers who are shaping the future of interactive experiences. This category honors the visionaries who have harnessed blockchain technology, decentralized economies, and NFT integration to redefine gaming paradigms and create immersive, decentralized gaming ecosystems. From groundbreaking play-to-earn models to innovative metaverse concepts, the recipient of this esteemed award exemplifies leadership, creativity, and forward-thinking in revolutionizing the gaming landscape for the Web3 generation.

Best Web3 security solution

The 'Best Web3 Security Solution' award recognizes the innovative solutions and pioneering efforts of companies dedicated to safeguarding the integrity and privacy of users in the decentralized ecosystem. From robust encryption protocols to cutting-edge authentication mechanisms, this category celebrates the advancements that fortify the foundations of Web3, enabling individuals and enterprises to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and trust. The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies excellence in providing comprehensive security solutions tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of the decentralized era.

Best Web3 Social Network Platform

The 'Best Web3 Social Network Platform' award celebrates the innovative platforms that are redefining social networking by leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized governance, and user-centric design principles. From fostering genuine connections to empowering users with ownership of their data and digital identities, this category honors the pioneers who are reshaping the social landscape for the Web3 generation. The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies excellence in providing a seamless, inclusive, and secure environment where users can connect, collaborate, and thrive in the decentralized digital ecosystem.

Best Tokenomics Design

The 'Best Tokenomics Design' award celebrates the ingenuity and foresight of projects that have demonstrated exceptional innovation in crafting token economies that drive value, incentivize participation, and foster ecosystem growth. From well-balanced token distribution models to innovative utility mechanisms and governance structures, this category honors the projects that have set new standards of excellence in tokenomics design. The recipient of this esteemed award embodies excellence in creating robust, transparent, and inclusive token economies that fuel the advancement of the decentralized ecosystem and empower communities to thrive in the Web3 era.

Best Web3 Data Management Platform

The 'Best Web3 Data Management Platform' award recognizes the pioneering efforts of platforms that have revolutionized data management by leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized storage solutions, and innovative data governance frameworks. From ensuring data privacy and sovereignty to facilitating seamless data interoperability and verifiability, this category celebrates the platforms that are empowering individuals and enterprises to harness the full potential of decentralized data. The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies excellence in providing scalable, resilient, and user-centric data management solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of the Web3 era.

Best Web3 integration platform

The 'Best Web3 Integration Platform' award celebrates the innovative platforms that have revolutionized the integration of blockchain technology, decentralized applications (DApps), and smart contracts into existing infrastructures and workflows. From facilitating smooth interactions between traditional systems and decentralized networks to streamlining the adoption of Web3 technologies for enterprises and developers, this category honors the pioneers who are driving forward the integration revolution. The recipient of this esteemed award exemplifies excellence in providing comprehensive, scalable, and developer-friendly solutions that empower organizations to embrace the decentralized future of Web3.

Exchange of the year

The 'Exchange of the Year' award recognizes the outstanding achievements of exchanges that have demonstrated excellence in providing secure, efficient, and user-centric trading experiences. From fostering liquidity and market integrity to advancing industry standards and embracing regulatory compliance, this category celebrates the exchanges that have set new benchmarks for reliability, transparency, and innovation. The recipient of this prestigious award embodies the spirit of leadership and excellence in driving the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi) and shaping the future of digital asset trading in the Web3 era.

Web3 gaming guild of the year

The 'Web3 Gaming Guild of the Year' award celebrates the exceptional achievements of guilds that have demonstrated excellence in cultivating thriving gaming ecosystems, fostering inclusive communities, and driving innovation in decentralized gaming. From organizing competitive tournaments and events to providing educational resources and support for gamers and developers, this category honors guilds that have emerged as leaders in the Web3 gaming space. The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies dedication, creativity, and leadership in harnessing the power of blockchain technology to shape the future of gaming and empower gamers worldwide.

Web3 payment platform of the year

The 'Web3 Payment Platform of the Year' award recognizes the groundbreaking achievements of platforms that have redefined the way individuals and businesses transact in the decentralized era. From revolutionizing cross-border payments to pioneering the integration of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, this category celebrates platforms that have demonstrated excellence in facilitating frictionless, borderless, and inclusive financial transactions. The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies innovation, reliability, and user-centric design in providing cutting-edge payment solutions that empower users to participate in the decentralized economy with confidence and ease.

Bets Web3 analytics solution

The 'Best Web3 Analytics Solution' award celebrates the innovative platforms that have revolutionized data analytics by leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized data sources, and advanced analytical techniques. From providing real-time insights into blockchain transactions and smart contract interactions to offering comprehensive metrics for decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, this category honors solutions that empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions and unlock the full potential of the decentralized web. The recipient of this prestigious award embodies excellence in providing robust, scalable, and user-friendly analytics solutions that drive innovation and transparency in the Web3 era.

Best Web3 loyalty & rewards program

The 'Best Web3 Loyalty & Rewards Program' award recognizes the innovative initiatives that have redefined traditional loyalty models by leveraging blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized governance. From rewarding user participation and contributions to incentivizing long-term engagement and loyalty, this category celebrates programs that have demonstrated excellence in creating value for users while fostering sustainable growth for businesses and communities in the Web3 ecosystem. The recipient of this esteemed award embodies creativity, innovation, and user-centric design in harnessing the power of decentralized incentives to drive meaningful interactions and relationships in the decentralized era.

Best Web3 project in healthcare

In the transformative landscape of Web3, innovation in healthcare is paramount, and the 'Best Web3 Project in Healthcare' award celebrates the pioneering initiatives that are revolutionizing the healthcare industry through decentralized technologies. This category honors projects that leverage blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other Web3 solutions to address critical challenges in healthcare, such as data interoperability, patient privacy, and supply chain transparency. From enabling secure and immutable health records to facilitating decentralized clinical trials and healthcare financing, the recipient of this prestigious award embodies the spirit of innovation and excellence in leveraging Web3 technologies to improve access, efficiency, and outcomes in healthcare delivery. This award recognizes the impact of projects that are driving positive change and shaping the future of healthcare in the Web3 era.

Best GameFi Platform

The 'Best GameFi Platform' award celebrates the platforms that have demonstrated excellence in merging gaming mechanics with decentralized finance protocols to create immersive, rewarding, and inclusive gaming experiences. From play-to-earn models and decentralized asset ownership to innovative tokenomics and community-driven governance, this category honors platforms that are pushing the boundaries of gaming and finance integration in the Web3 era. The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies leadership, creativity, and commitment to advancing the GameFi space, empowering gamers to play, earn, and prosper in decentralized gaming ecosystems.

Sustainability company
of the year

'Sustainability Company of the Year' award honors companies that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical business practices. This category celebrates companies that prioritize sustainability across their operations, products, and initiatives, driving positive impact and inspiring meaningful change in the decentralized ecosystem. From reducing carbon footprints and promoting renewable energy to fostering diversity and inclusion in the workforce, the recipient of this esteemed award embodies the values of sustainability, resilience, and integrity in shaping a more equitable and sustainable future for generations to come. This award recognizes the exemplary leadership of companies that are setting new standards of sustainability excellence in the Web3 era.

Excellence in Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

This award category honors a groundbreaking project or company that has made significant strides in advancing the decentralized finance ecosystem. This award celebrates an organization that has demonstrated unparalleled innovation, security, and user empowerment through its DeFi solutions. Whether by introducing novel financial instruments, creating inclusive lending and borrowing platforms, or pioneering yield optimization strategies, the recipient of "Excellence in DeFi" has set a gold standard for reshaping traditional finance. Their unwavering commitment to transparency, accessibility, and community-driven governance exemplifies the core values of DeFi, positioning them as a trailblazer leading the charge toward a more decentralized and equitable financial future.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) of the year

This award category celebrates a pioneering DAO that has exemplified excellence in decentralized governance and community engagement. This prestigious award honors a DAO that has pushed the boundaries of what's possible in Web3, demonstrating a visionary approach to collective decision-making, transparency, and user empowerment. Whether through innovative funding mechanisms, impactful community projects, or successful governance models, the "DAO of the Year" has set a new standard for decentralized collaboration. By fostering an inclusive, transparent, and purpose-driven environment, this DAO embodies the spirit of decentralization, leading the way in building a more equitable and community-oriented digital future. Their unwavering commitment to their mission and members serves as an inspiration to the broader Web3 ecosystem.

Submit your nomination

  • Click the "SUBMIT NOMINATIONS" button to access the secure form. Fill in the requested fields accurately and comprehensively within the 1,000-word limit.
    Deadline to submit the nomination is 2nd June 2024
  • The same company can be nominated for several awards.
  • If you have additional documents to strengthen your nomination, consolidate them into a single PDF file not exceeding 10MB and send them to mahdi@bncpublishing.net.
  • Confirmation of submission: Once you submit the form, you'll receive a confirmation acknowledging the successful receipt of your nomination.



September 2024

Leaders in Web3 Conference & Awards 2024

The winners will be announced, and their extraordinary achievements will be celebrated in style at the prestigious Leaders in Web3 Conference & Awards Gala Dinner.


September 2024


Platinum Ally

  • Onsite product branding alternatives
  • Placement of logo on event advertisements
  • Placement of logo in event email shots to the Entrepreneur Middle East mailing list
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
  • Social media Platinum Ally placement mentions on all Entrepreneur Middle East social media platforms
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
  • Placement of logo on event site branding
  • Ally seating affords two full tables for the Platinum Ally that will accommodate 8 guests
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
  • Twelve full print pages to be used at the Platinum Ally's discretion within a period of six months in any Entrepreneur Middle East print edition

Gold Ally

  • Onsite product branding alternatives
  • Placement of logo on event advertisements
  • Placement of logo in event email shots to the Entrepreneur Middle East mailing list
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
  • Social media Gold Ally placement mentions on all Entrepreneur Middle East social media platforms
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
  • Placement of logo on event site branding
  • Ally seating affords one full table for the Gold Ally that will accommodate 4 guests
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
  • Six full print pages in Entrepreneur Middle East

Silver Ally

  • Onsite product branding alternatives
  • Placement of logo on event advertisements
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
  • Placement of logo on event site branding
  • Ally seating affords one full table for the Silver Ally that will accommodate 4 guests
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
  • Four full print pages in Entrepreneur Middle East

Category ALLY

  • Placement of logo on event advertisements
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
  • Placement of logo on event site branding
  • Ally seating affords one full table for the Category Ally that will accommodate 4 guests
  • Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • Two full print pages in Entrepreneur Middle East



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